January 25, 2011

Tunisian Man Sees Special Book in Tourist's Pocket.

Recently some tourists were walking down the streets of the old city of Tunis. One of them had ta thin green book and only the top was sticking out. They were walking and talking and passing by shops and one of the shopkeepers said, “Stop!” He pointed to the tourists and said, “That’s the Injil (Gospel of Luke) in your pocket!”

Apparently the shop owner had done some Bible correspondence courses and had received the same Gospel of Luke in the mail. So when he saw it, he wanted to talk more about Jesus and the Christian faith. He visited the tourists in their apartment where they showed him the Jesus video in Arabic  He left their house with tears streaming down his face, clearly touched by what God had done for him through Jesus.

Another time the tourists decided to present a message to people in Belvedere park in Tunis.  They thought it was a crazy idea to do this in a Muslim country, but they were young and radical. They had a sketch board and had an artist from France was able to quickly draw caricatures. So they gave the story of the Prodigal Son in the middle of the park. About 150 Tunisians gathered to listen. Sure enough, here came the police. The tourists thought, “Uh, oh, we have problems.”  But the police simply looked and walked on by! Later, the tourists spent time talking to people who were interested in the message of hope that Jesus gave through the Bible.

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