February 6, 2011

A Dream the Leads a Young Moroccan to Truth.

A foreign student lived with a Moroccan family for about a year to learn more about their language and culture.  The family had a private room on the flat roof of their apartment and it provided an ideal place to live. One of the four Moroccan children was interested in Christianity.  His name was Abdu and he and the foreign student would talk from time to time about religion.

One night Abdu had a dream and he heard a voice calling him and telling him to “Go into the light, go into the light.” He had the same dream the next night and it really shook him. He took the Bible that the student had given him and he locked himself in his room and started reading it. He eventually became a believer in what he read and a follower of Jesus Christ. He said one of the reasons why he was really drawn to the Bible was the details. It had organized detail that he didn't find in the Koran and words of truth and encouragement he didn't find in the Koran. He also found a message of salvation, forgiveness and hope. That is why he gave his life to Christ.

His mother eventually found out and was very upset. She was a nurse and got her hands on a bunch of drugs and forced him to take them to try to get this Christian spirit out of him. She also hired the local Muslim cleric to try to cast out this Christian spirit that had entered her son. It was a difficult time, so he had to move away from this family.

He was riding in a bus one time reading a Christian magazine in Arabic and the gentleman next to him asked him what he was reading. Abdu told him and explained to the man the Christian faith. Sure enough several days later, the police came knocking on his door, arrested him and brought him to jail. He had to pay the equivalent of $500 dollars to be set free. He didn't have that money, so a friend came and bailed him out. Abdu was happy to be released and continues to be a witness for his Savior to this day.

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