February 5, 2011

Muslims Introduced to Jesus in Rooftop Bible Study in Tunis.

Some foreign students in the country of Tunisia held a Bible study in their apartment on Saturday nights. In order to generate interest, they had fun night on Fridays and had Muslims come over to play games,  have fellowship, food and a good time. It was a time to get to know each other, build trust with each other and then invite them to the study. 

The students had a room on the roof of their apartment and they converted it into a room that resembled a mosque. They would sit on the floor, pray and sing Christian songs in Arabic. Every Saturday night they would have 3-4 Muslims come to the meetings to discuss religion, debate about Islam and Christianity, inquire, and to study the Bible. Now many years later there is fruit from those meetings as the seed of truth was planted in their hearts.

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